Our Early Start Program provides 6th and 7th grade students with comprehensive and rigorous preparation for Common Core ELA and Math state tests and early exposure to the SHSAT. Our SHSAT Summer and Fall Boot Camp prepares 7th and rising 8th graders for top high school admissions tests (like the new Specialized High School Admission Test (SHSAT), entrance exam for Bard High School Early College, and more) and admissions interviews (like those of Bedford Academy, Bard High School Early College, and more).


Our high school admissions workshops (hosted online and, upon request, at schools and churches) offer exclusive information on how to get your child into a top NYC high school. The experience of our founding members combined with the experience of our instructors, counselors and talented alumni has afforded us the ability to offer insight into this elusive process. You are sure to leave each workshop armed with the RIGHT information to guarantee your child's high school admissions success.


Mentorship is one of the most powerful ways to expedite a students academic, professional and person development. We consider our mentorship component one of the most meaningful parts of our service offerings. To ensure that our students transition into high school as smooth as possible, we host student workshops that tackle study skills, time management, public speaking, and more! Our guest speakers hail from top high schools, elite colleges or are leaders in their community.


Our Programs


2024 SHSAT Summer & Fall Boot Camp

This is a summer & Fall enrichment program designed for high-performing 5th, 6th and 7th graders getting in position for top high school admissions and 8th graders who will take the 2024 SHSAT in November of this year. These schools include Stuyvesant, Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, Brooklyn Latin, High School of Math, Science and Engineering at City College (HSMSE), American Studies at Lehman, Staten Island Tech, and Queens Science at York College

Summer SEssion

July 8th to Aug 8th

Monday - Thursday
8:00 AM - 2:30 PM


In-person: Location TBD

Fall Session

Sept 7th to Nov 2nd

Saturady: 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM
Saturday: 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM
Sunday: 2:00 PM - 6:30 PM


In-person or Online