Information to Register for the Specialized High Schools and other Top NYC High Schools
The high school directory and the Specialized High School handbook are updated every year by the DOE and a hard copy is typically given to students at the end of 7th grade or at the beginning of 8th grade. It is in a parent’s best interest to review the documents in advance of 7th grade so they are clear on the requirements needed to gain admission into one of NYC’s highly sought after high schools. Ideally, the search for a top high school should start when the child is in 6th grade. Note: As of 2018, parents will have to register their children to take the Specialized High School Admissions Test (SHSAT) online. They will no longer need to go through the child’s middle school guidance counselor. Check out this blog post for more information. Click here.
high school directory
Use our top high school list to find high schools in the directory. Most importantly, identify the admissions criteria for the top 10% of high schools
7th Grade Checklist