Go-to Questions to Ask at Open Houses
For Administrators:
How many students with my stats (Tier, lottery, SWD, ets. ) did school accepted previous years?
How is the food and can the kids go out for lunch?
How do you provide a path for social-emotional learning?
What time the school day starts and ends?
How many students come off the waitlist?
How are students supported during the transition from MS to HS?
How many students per guidance counselor or college counselor?
Does the school have a library/librarian on staff?
What is the biggest student issue the school has to deal with?
How do you handle conflict within your school (not that my kid gets involved in conflict, it’s just that I’m always interested in school culture - the right answer for me is restorative justice - which says a lot about a school’s values and vibe.)
Does anybody ask students and staff about bullying policies. Also, the type of support kids get when it is time to apply for college? Does the school do college tours? Covers application fees? Which colleges is the school partnered with? Typically they will push down the students throat the colleges the school is partnered with even if it is not the best for the students. By knowing if they are partnered with any one can know the possible limited list.
For Teachers:
How do you provide a path for social-emotional learning?
What is an example of the kind of projects a student would do in various classes?
What books are assigned reading each year in the curriculum?
How much homework do you assign every night?
For Students:
How accessible do they think teachers are for extra help if needed- office hours, resource rooms, etc.
How much homework do you get on a regular basis?
What would you improve about this school?
What is an example of a typical HW assignment in Math, English, etc. ?
Was this school your first choice? Would it be your first choice now and why?
How would you describe the “vibe” of the school?
how long is your commute?
What is the biggest student issue the school has to deal with?
What do you like the best about this school? What do you like the least about this school?