Unhappy With Your Child's SHSAT Score?

Are you unhappy with your child’s SHSAT score AND still have dream of having your child attend a Specialized High School? Follow these steps to get your child on track for success:

  1. Request to see your child’s SHSAT exam. Yes, this is totally possible. It may give you peace of mind. Visit this link. Scroll down to the section with the title: Can I request an appointment to review a copy of my child's answer sheet?

    You and your child may review a copy of your child's answer sheet by requesting an appointment with a representative from the Office of Assessment. This year, appointments will take place in Long Island City, Queens in June.

    The test view is solely an opportunity to view your child’s test and see the answers that she/he selected during the test administration. This is not an appeals process.

    You may request an appointment no later than April 20th. You can do this by:

    a. By submitting an electronic request via this survey (Open external link) 


    b. By sending a written request via postal mail to:

    Office of Assessment, SHSAT Test Views

    44-36 Vernon Blvd., Room 209

    Long Island City, NY 11101

    Requests must include:

      • Student’s first and last name, date of birth, ID (OSIS) number, and if known, the date, borough, and school where the student was tested

      • Parent/guardian’s first and last name, phone number, and email address

    The deadline to request an appointment is April 20th. After your request is submitted, the Office of Assessment will email you a link to schedule your appointment by April 24th. If you have questions, please email SHSATtestviews@schools.nyc.gov.

  2. If there was some mistake from the DOE’s part, you can request your guidance counselor or Family Welcome Center to register your child to test again in August. That registration usually opens in early July. The August SHSAT is meant for students who moved to NYC after last December, but there are also test takers, who had some mistakes done during their original test date, or registered for the original date, but missed it due to sickness. This test will still get you in for 9th grade entry.

  3. If you still don’t get in through this route, take the 9th grade SHSAT for 10th grade entry.

Tai Abrams

Tai is a former government consultant who managed to turn her $55K salary into a six-figure brand. She’s the Founder of Intrepid Increase – a company that provides the tools, coaching and resources to help women achieve financial freedom. It’s courses show students how to start an online group coaching program using their existing skills and how to scale up their profits.

With a passion for women and a knack for entrepreneurship, Tai has a Youtube Channel where she talks about achieving financial freedom.

She’s a best selling author, Transformational Speaker, Award-winning entrepreneur and Educator who’s impact has been featured by fox news, CBS, the Daily News, the NY Post, NY1 and more! Her first book called, “Who Am I? An A-Z Career Guide for Teens,” helps teens to identify exceptional career paths much earlier on and positions them to be more competitive in the marketplace.

Tai is on a mission to help women get in alignment with their purpose, monetize their gifts and create a profitable business that is in alignment with their dream life. Her motto is, “If you focus on INCREASING your impact and TRANSFORMING lives, the INCOME will follow.”


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