SHSAT Results By Race: 2019 - 2021

The moment we have all been waiting for happened in the last week of April of 2021. New York City received the unimpressive 2021 SHSAT results and there were some important insights to note. The unfortunate reality is that these outcomes have been virtually unchanged for the last decade or so. We stand on the fact that the results will remain the same until appropriate action is taken to address the root cause of the issue. We will address this in another post. Here are the 2021 admissions results.

Here are the stats you need to know: In 2021, 3.6 percent of offers to attend the city's eight Specialized High Schools went to black students (down from 4.5% in 2020) and 5.4 percent of the offers went to Hispanic students (down from 6.6% in 2019). While these percentages don’t equate to significant changes in the number of students placing, it is still important to note the decrease. Please note that these numbers do not include the offers extended to the Discovery Program.

For anyone who is asking why this is a big deal, let me explain. Black and latinx students comprise almost 70 percent of students in the NYC public school system yet only 10% of the seats offered at Specialized High Schools. These results are a glaring display of the educational inequities running rampant through our system as well as the need to invest in test prep companies like AdmissionSquad to help rebuild and preserve the talent pipeline. There are also 43,000 fewer students enrolled in New York City’s public schools this year: a 4% decrease which further highlights the challenges we face.

We believe that this target population has the ability to gain admission into these highly sought after high schools as long as a concerted effort is made to:

  1. Close the information gap causing students from this population to miss out on the opportunity to attend a Specialized High School

  2. Provide high-quality test prep to as many highly motivated, deserving students as possible starting from 3rd grade

By addressing these two critical factors, NYC stands to gain access to a talent pipeline that has been overlooked for the past two decades. Believe it or not, there are many parents, grandparents, guidance counselors, teachers, youth ministry leaders, family members, etc. in black and brown communities that know very little about the city's Specialized High Schools and what it really takes to get in. More importantly, the middle schoolers oftentimes cannot see themselves in these schools because of the lack of diversity. I challenge all of us to come together to train our children to become competitive and create a more inclusive environment in the Specialized High Schools. With increased awareness, academic enrichment, access to rigorous test prep and long-term support, these students can secure a seat on the Education to Wealth Pipeline

Our work continues! See below for a comparison between 2019 and 2020.

Tai Abrams

Tai is a former government consultant who managed to turn her $55K salary into a six-figure brand. She’s the Founder of Intrepid Increase – a company that provides the tools, coaching and resources to help women achieve financial freedom. It’s courses show students how to start an online group coaching program using their existing skills and how to scale up their profits.

With a passion for women and a knack for entrepreneurship, Tai has a Youtube Channel where she talks about achieving financial freedom.

She’s a best selling author, Transformational Speaker, Award-winning entrepreneur and Educator who’s impact has been featured by fox news, CBS, the Daily News, the NY Post, NY1 and more! Her first book called, “Who Am I? An A-Z Career Guide for Teens,” helps teens to identify exceptional career paths much earlier on and positions them to be more competitive in the marketplace.

Tai is on a mission to help women get in alignment with their purpose, monetize their gifts and create a profitable business that is in alignment with their dream life. Her motto is, “If you focus on INCREASING your impact and TRANSFORMING lives, the INCOME will follow.”

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