What Parents Can Do to Help Their Children Become Academically Competitive
1) Be an active parent in your child's school and help the teachers and school leadership team to provide a better quality education. Don't just make demands of the schools but HELP them expand. Strong schools have very strong PTA's. Many black and brown schools have PTA's with very low participation. Increasing your engagement can make a huge difference. This includes, writing proposals for grant opportunities, reaching out to organizations for resources to add to the school, and fundraising.
2) Keep your children at least one grade level ahead. Either someone at home needs to work with the child consistently or sign up for an academic enrichment program that will give the child access to advanced learning. AdmissionSquad is a viable option to help your child. Sign up for one of our programs
3) Get informed about your school options. Before signing your child up for a school, do some research to see how strong the school is. What are the average scores. Where do the children typically end up after leaving the school. If your child is already enrolled, how can you help to improve the odds of success for your child and others.
4) [Specifically for African American Students] Support the development of more afro-centered schools and privately run academic enrichment programs/test prep companies owned by black people. AdmissionSquad is a great organization to support. You can support with your donations or by sharing your talents, connections and resources with us. This will allow us to build our own children instead of waiting on other communities to build our children.
5) Volunteer to teach children. Beyond just your own. Help out another parent and it shall be returned onto you. We must work together to build the youth.
There are many action steps that parents can take to make a difference for their children and others. Parents MUST INVEST TIME, MONEY AND RESOURCES IN THEIR CHILDREN'S EDUCATION. This is what the successful families are doing that every parent needs to model in order to see more success. If you want better outputs, you need better inputs.